2022 updated indicators now available

In the indicators section, the results of the statistical information survey carried out by RICYT during 2024 were updated.

Access the complete battery of updated indicators here

Some highlights

  • The financial resources to R&D by Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) countries reached 75 billion PPP dollars during 2022. This implied a growth of +13% compared to 2021 and +27% compared to 2013 .
  • The investment effort made by all Latin American countries represented 0.56% of the regional gross product in 2022, while the same indicator for Latin America was 0.73%.
  • The number of researchers in LAC continues to grow steadily, exceeding 700 thousand people. 74% of them are based in universities, reflecting the importance of higher education sector to R&D activities in the region.
  • The scientific production of Latin American researchers in the SCOPUS database during 2022 exceeded 198 thousand articles. 35% was carried out collaboratively between authors from different countries and the physical sciences were the disciplines with the greatest international collaboration.