Knowledge networks as a new way of collaborative creation seminary: its construction, dynamic and management

With great success finalised the “Knowledge networks as a new way of collaborative creation seminary: its construction, dynamic and management” organized by the Network on Science and Technology Indicators IberoAmerican and InterAmerican (RICYT) of the “IberoAmerican Science and Technology program for Development” (CYTED) y UNESCO – Regional Office of Science for Latin America and Caribbean-.

In the meeting, wich take place in Buenos Aires on November 24 and 25, participated around 150 people, including representators of all the region and Internationals Institutions specialists.

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The Iberoamerican Web of Science and Technology Indicators (RICYT) celebrates its 10th anniversary (April, 28 1995- April, 28 2005)

Since its birth, the area in charge of the Web coordination, thanks to all the people who contributed to reach our purposes: “promote instruments development for the measurement and analysis of science and technology in Iberoamerica, in an international framework of cooperation, with the aim of deepening its knowledge and use it as policy instrument for decision making”.


Scientific production in international data bases

Availability to updated data till the year 2003 referred to the scientific production is registered in bibliographic databases of international coverage. The information was done by the RICYT coordination based on searching strategies developed together with the Scientific Information and Documentation Center (CINDOC) of Spain and through the services provided by Dialog Corp in Argentina. The new data belong to the following data bases: Science Citation Index (SCI Search) , Pascal , INSPEC, Compendex, Chemical Abstracts, Biosis, Medline, Cab Internacional.


Annual Survey of science and technology indicators

The Iberoamerican- Interamerican Web of Science and Technology Indicators (RICYT) has initiated an annual survey of science and technology indicators of the country members. The information revealed will be useful to elaborate the new edition of the report “The Science State. Main Iberoamerican- Interamerican Indicators of Science and Technology. The information collected by RICYT will be shared withe Unesco Statistic Institute (IEU) due to an agreement of mutual cooperation on science and technology indicators, in order to avoid unnecessary duplications in ONCYTs tasks. The deadline for the reception of the data will be 15, April 2005.


Third Iberoamerican Workshop of Information Society Indicators

The Third Iberoamerican Workshop of Information Society Indicators will be carried out on September 29 and 30, 2005. This meeting has the aim of making a specific progress to the “Lisboa Manual- Guidebook for the information society statistic indicators production”. The Lisboa Manual pretends to be turned into an orientating document for the indicators production, elaborated from the “Matrix of Information Society Indicators”. The most relevant institutions, indicators and actually existing observation methologies inside the information society will be released to enrich the manual. This survey will let analyze not only the potentials but the indicators boundaries/ limits and the variables in usage too and the main technical and institutional obstacles as well, which is necessary to improve the measurements.


The workshop is organized by the RICYT and the Superior Institute of Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE) of Portugal, with the support of UMIC- Agência para a Sociedade do Conhecimento of Potugal, the Observatório da Ciência e do Ensino Superior (OCES) of Portugal and the National Institute of Statistics (INE) of Portugal.

The Third Iberoamerican Workshop of Information Society Indicators goes on with the series initiated in Lisboa in 2001 and 2003. Under the topic “Indicators for the Information Society: benchmarking and good practices”, the objective of this meeting is the creation of places for information exchange about information society indicators production. In that way, experts from outstanding institutions such as the REDES Center, CEPAL, REULATEL/ ICA, OCDE, Eurostat, ONU-ORBICOM, UNESCO and OCES, UMIC and ISCTE from Portugal, will be invited to display their work. This event will also be attended by researchers or members of different institutions and programmes interested in the movement towards the information society, which will make comments in reference to the showed information.


Constitution of the Subregional Andean Web

The result of the first meeting of the Andean sub region which was carried out on December 3, 2004 in Quito, Ecuador, lead to the creation of the Subregional Andean Web, which coordination will be in charge of Carmen Echeverría of FUNDACYT, Ecuador, during 2005. Participants of the following national science and technology institutions took part in the meeting: Erick Meave, CONACYT (Bolivia), Sandra Daza, OCyT (Colombia), Carmen Echeverría, FUNDACYT (Ecuador), Benjamín Marticorena, CONCYTEC (Perú) and Grisel Romero, MCT (Venezuela).

Objectives: 1- prepare a plan of group activities in science, technology and innovation indicators subject and, 2- name the coordinator of the Andean sub region in 2005.

The next items had been defined as activities to be developed in 2005: • Homogenize concepts: prepare a theorical and conceptual synopsis which constitutes a common database for the countries of the sub region.

• Basic Indicators Production: Systematize the information set out by each country. Improve the activities and help other countries which are starting to do them, as in the case of Bolivia. One of the instruments will be the training and technical support.

• New indicators: aimed to indicators development of social perception and knowledge appropriation. The proposal will be presented in common projects.

• Strategic points: prime interest for the sub region. The developement of indicators which reply the necessity of technology and innovative information required by Pymes.

• Circulation of the Sub regional information: generate mechanisms in order to spread the information of the sub region. Make the data base development accessible through the web.

For the development of the actions indicated, it was agreed to elaborate documents in which necessities and strengths of each country were expressed. It was delegated to each country representatives the responsibility of consolidating the information contributed by the country members.

> Ver acta de la reunión


Support for a Regional Program of Science and Technology Indicators

In the framework of the Lima Action Plan, resulting of the First Meeting of Ministers and Higher Authorities of Science and Technology held in Lima, Peru, November 11 and 12, the Science and Technology ministries of the hemisphere emphasized the importance of building a regional program for Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators.

One of the points of the Action Plan remarks the importance of “supporting the creation of a Regional Program of Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, using the cooperation mechanisms of Network on Science and Technology Indicators (RICYT), recognising the importance of measuring the social impact of the national and regional programs of science and technology for development, and to improve the formulation of sector indicators, regarding the gender approach”.

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“El Estado de la Ciencia 2003”

RICYT presents a new edition of the annual publication “El Estado de la Ciencia” including the main Science and Technology Indicators – 2003, where is analyzed the science and technology situation in the region.

In this opportunity, the book contains different articles analyzing the state of the art in the field of the scientific and technology measurement of the region and also it presents new indicators.

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First Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Science and Technology within the Framework of CIDI

The First Hemispheric Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Science and Technology within the Framework of CIDI will be held in Lima, Peru on November 11-12, 2004. It will discuss the role of science, technology, engineering, and innovation on the economic, social, cultural and scientific development within the Member States. It will also discuss its great impact in the job creation for confronting poverty and strengthening democratic governments, which will be the topics of the next Summit of High Authorities and Governments of the Americas that will take place in 2005.

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Results of the VI Indicators Workshop

With great success ended the VI Workshop on Science and Technology Indicators, organized by RICYT in Buenos Aires on September 15, 16 and 17. More than 300 people took part in the meeting, representing almost all the regional countries, along professionals from international institutions as OAS, OECD and UNESCO. The workshop had 80 presentations, available in this site.

As a conclusion of the workshop, the participants raised a final declaration recommending the support to RICYT’s activities in order to consolidate the regional scientific and technological information systems.

(Download final declaration)

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Under the topic of “Measuring knowledge for social transformation”, the Sixth Workshop of Science and Technology Indicators Ibero-American and Inter-American gathered regional and extra-regional specialists to think about the role of science and technology indicators as guidance in politic, scientific, technology and innovation which contribute to the socioeconomic development in Ibero-American countries.

In addition to the traditional subjects related to the measurement of scientific and technology activities, new issues were discussed in the framework of the meeting. Sessions on innovation, social impact of science and technology, public perception of science, knowledge society, biotechnology indicators, gender in science and internationalization of science were included. The attendants to the workshop represented science and technology institutions of the whole region, as well as specialists of OAS, UNESCO, OECD and Eurostat.

During the conclusions of the meeting, the participants manifested that the importance on keeping the availability of updated and reliable indicators is a permanent challenge that deserves the support of the governments and institutions of the different countries and, at the same time, an essential condition for those which are capable to design and evaluate policies of science and technology development, closely related to the objectives of economic and social development.