Now available: Lisbon Manual 2009

The 2009 version of the Lisbon Manual is already available. The original edition goes back to 2006. Since then, its contents have gone through a vast series of changes. The transition to the Knowledge Society, as said on the Manual’s back cover, “is a phenomenon defined by change”. Every change demands revisions, corrections, actualizations. That is the purpose of the 2009 version, the result of the joint efforts of the Ibero-American and Inter-American Network on Science and Technology Indicators (RICYT), the Portuguese Ministry of Education, the Ibero-American Observatory of Science, Technology and Society and the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID).

The 2009 version aims at providing an even better and more complete understatement of the existing data concerning the Information Society. Not only has the 2006 information been refreshed, but it also adds new dimensions of analysis that have been found utterly relevant for the Ibero-American region in this past three years: universal connectivity, the education and the participation of users in the creative process related to new technologies. The basic draft for the annex and the actualization of the original chapters were discussed during the IV Ibero-American Seminar on Knowledge Society Indicators that took place in Portugal in September of 2009.

Download the Lisbon Manual 2009 (English version)

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NOW AVAILABLE: “El estado de la ciencia 2008”

The 2008 version of “El estado de la ciencia. Principales indicadores de ciencia y tecnología” is already available. The main purpose of this publication is to provide, in an agile and dynamic fashion, a set of useful tools for analyzing the problems of science, technology and innovation in our region. The volume includes a CD containing not only the materials published in the printed version, but also a list that summarizes the key aspects of the institutional frames of science and technology of all the countries that are RICYT members. “El estado de la ciencia” also includes two special reports devoted to the current status of nanotechnology and innovation in Latin America.

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NOW AVAILABLE: “Indicadores de ciencia y tecnología en Iberoamérica. Agenda 2008”

The book “Indicadores de ciencia y tecnología en Iberoamérica. Agenda 2008” is already available. This volume includes the most important presentations made by experts during the VII Congress on Science and Technology Indicators that took place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on May 2007.

The purpose of this publication —edited by Mario Albornoz, Carlos Vogt and Claudio Alfaraz— is to broaden the debate on the most relevant topics related to science, technology and innovation indicators in Latin America. The book also includes a CD-ROM in which the user will find all the presentations that took place in Sao Paulo.

Around five hundred experts of thirty different countries reunited in Sao Paulo to participate in the VII Congress on Science and Technology Indicators . The experts were representatives of major agencies associated with the production of information in science and technology. The meeting, organized by the RICYT and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), was also supported by CYTED, UNESCO and the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimiento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).

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VII Ibero-American Congress of Science and Technology Indicators

The Ibero-American Network of Science and Technology Indicators (RICYT), jointly with the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), call national institutions of science and technology, organizations in this area, professionals and researchers to participate in the VII Ibero-American Congress of Science and Technology Indicators, to be hold in São Paulo, May 23, 24 and 25, 2007.

Go to the congress’ website


NOW AVAILABLE: The Santiago Manual

The Santiago Manual, a product elaborated by the science internationalization department, one of RICYT’s inner networks, is already available.

This publication aims at measuring and describing the intensity and characteristics of the science internationalization in Ibero-America, not only at a national but also within the boundaries of institutions and organisms that work in investigation and technological development (R&D).

In this way, the Santiago Manual, a RICYT project supported by the CYTED Program, enlarges the indicators system of R&D in Ibero-American countries.

Go to the Santiago Manual


The State of Science, translated to English

In order to give a broader diffusion to the analysis of the Ibero – American scientific and technological situation, we offer an English version of “The State of Science”, the report included in RICYT last annual publication “El Estado de la Ciencia. Principales Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología Iberoamericanos / InterAmericanos 2004".

Download document


“El Estado de la Ciencia 2004”

RICYT presents a new edition of the annual publication “El Estado de la Ciencia” including the main Science and Technology Indicators – 2004, where is analyzed the science and technology situation in the region.

As in previous editions the book contains different articles analyzing the state of the art in the field of the scientific and technology measurement of the region and also it presents new indicators.

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II International Seminary on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators

The “II International Seminary on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators” took place in Santiago de Chile on January 16th – 18th, and it was devoted to scientometric indicators and the possibilities offered by the new informatics technologies.

The meeting was organized by KAWAX – Chilean Science, Technology and Innovation Observatory – and was sponsored by RICYT. It counted with the attendance of highlighted Latin-American and European experts.


Lisbon Manual

The central axis of the “Third Iberoamerican Workshop of Information Society” was the presentation of the draft of the “Lisbon Manual. Guidelines for the interpretation of the statistic data avaible and the construction of indicators referred to the Iberoamerican transition to the Information Society”, as result of the advances made since the first workshop. This Manual was created to be a tool for the analysis of the different measures and methodologies existents. Its main objective is to give to the statistics data users a best comprension of the information throw the combination and complementation of different advances that have been happen in measuring area called Information Society.

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